Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist:

Month Tasks
January (Winter) Inspect and clean gutters: Remove debris and ensure proper drainage to prevent ice dams.

Check for leaks: Inspect pipes and faucets for leaks or cracks caused by freezing temperatures.

Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Ensure they are functioning properly and replace batteries if needed.

Clean and service furnace: Schedule professional maintenance to ensure efficient heating.

February (Winter) Inspect roof for damage: Look for missing shingles, loose tiles, or any signs of wear and tear.

Trim tree branches: Remove any branches overhanging the house that could cause damage in winter storms.

Winterize outdoor plumbing: Drain and insulate hose bibs and exposed pipes to prevent freezing.

Fertilize and prune dormant plants: Follow specific instructions for your plants to promote healthy growth in spring.

March (Spring) Clean windows and screens: Remove winter grime and dust to allow for more sunlight.

Deep clean carpets and rugs: Remove dirt and allergens accumulated over the winter months.

Check and replace air filters: Change air filters in your HVAC system to improve air quality.

Prepare garden beds: Till the soil, add compost or fertilizer, and plant seeds or seedlings.

April (Spring) Inspect foundation for cracks: Look for signs of water damage or settling and address any concerns promptly.

Clean gutters and downspouts: Remove debris accumulated during spring rains to prevent clogs.

Turn on outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems: Ensure proper function and address any leaks.

Apply weed control and fertilizer: Treat your lawn to promote healthy growth and prevent weed infestation.

May (Spring) * Mow and water your lawn: Maintain a consistent mowing schedule and water according to your specific grass type and climate.

Mulch around trees and plants: Apply a layer of mulch to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

Clean outdoor furniture and grills: Prepare your patio furniture and grills for outdoor entertaining.

Inspect and clean outdoor vents: Check for blockages and clean vents for proper ventilation.

June (Summer) Check for and address pest infestations: Look for signs of termites, rodents, or other pests and take necessary steps to control them.

Water your lawn and plants regularly: Adjust watering frequency based on weather conditions and plant needs.

Clean and maintain air conditioner: Schedule professional maintenance or clean filters to ensure efficient cooling.

Inspect and maintain pool or spa (if applicable): Ensure proper chemical balance and clean filters for safe and enjoyable use.

July (Summer) Continue lawn care: Maintain mowing, watering, and weed control routines.

Harvest vegetables and fruits: Enjoy the bounty of your garden and share with friends and family.

Clean outdoor furniture and grills regularly: Remove debris and grime to keep them looking their best.

Inspect hoses and sprinklers for leaks or damage: Replace or repair any faulty equipment to conserve water.

August (Summer) Prepare for fall garden planting: Start planning and preparing your fall vegetable garden.

Prune trees and shrubs: Encourage healthy growth and remove any dead or diseased branches.

Inspect and clean dryer vent: Remove lint build-up to prevent fire hazards.

Clean outdoor cushions and pillows: Wash or replace outdoor furniture cushions and pillows to keep them fresh.

September (Fall) Plant fall vegetables and flowers: Sow seeds or plant seedlings for a fall harvest and vibrant displays.

Clean gutters and downspouts: Remove leaves and debris to prevent clogging during fall showers.

Winterize outdoor plumbing: Drain and insulate hose bibs and exposed pipes to prevent freezing.

Shut off and drain pool or spa (if applicable): Properly winterize your pool or spa to prevent damage during freezing temperatures.

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October (Fall) Rake and remove fallen leaves: Prevent leaf build-up that can smother lawns and clog drains.

Bring in or cover outdoor furniture: Protect furniture from harsh winter weather conditions.

Store summer decorations: Pack away seasonal decorations for safekeeping.

Clean and cover grills: Clean your grill and cover it to protect it from the elements.

November (Fall) Inspect and seal windows and doors: Address any drafts or leaks to improve energy efficiency.

Clean fireplace and chimney: Schedule professional cleaning to prevent chimney fires.

Cover outdoor hose bibs: Insulate or cover hose bibs to prevent freezing.

Plant cool-season vegetables: Depending on your climate, you may be able to plant vegetables like kale, spinach, or lettuce.

December (Winter) Decorate your home for the holidays: Create a festive atmosphere inside and outside your home.

Plan holiday meals: Prepare for family gatherings and celebrations.

Review year-end maintenance tasks: Schedule any remaining maintenance tasks or repairs before the new year.

Enjoy the holiday season! Spend time with loved ones and create lasting memories.

This handy guide outlines essential tasks for each month, helping you stay on top of your home’s needs and prevent costly repairs down the line. From spring cleaning and summer lawn care to fall preparation and winterizing, this yearly home maintenance checklist ensures your home is ready for every season.

So, grab your tools, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to keep your home in tip-top shape!