How To Make a Homemade Trap For Fruit Flies

Fruit flies can be a real nuisance, but luckily there are some simple and effective homemade traps you can make to get rid of them. Here are 5 popular methods for creating homemade trap for fruit flies:

5 x DIY Fruit Fly Trap methods:

Method 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Trap


  • Small jar or container
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • A few drops of dish soap (optional)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Rubber band
  • Toothpick or other sharp object


  1. Pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar into the jar.
  2. Add a few drops of dish soap if desired. The soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar, making it easier for the flies to drown.
  3. Cover the jar tightly with plastic wrap.
  4. Secure the plastic wrap with a rubber band.
  5. Use the toothpick to poke small holes in the top of the plastic wrap. Make sure the holes are big enough for the flies to enter, but small enough for them to get stuck.
  6. Place the trap near where you’ve been seeing fruit flies, such as near your fruit bowl or garbage can.
  7. The flies will be attracted to the vinegar’s scent and enter the jar through the holes. They won’t be able to escape and will eventually drown.
  8. Empty and reset the trap as needed.

Method 2: Plastic Bottle Trap


  • Plastic bottle (soda or water bottle)
  • Bait (apple cider vinegar, fruit juice, wine, or beer)
  • Scissors
  • Tape


  1. Cut the top third of the plastic bottle off.
  2. Add your chosen bait to the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Invert the top part of the bottle, so the narrow end is pointing down into the bottom part, creating a funnel.
  4. Secure the two pieces of the bottle together with tape.
  5. Place the trap near where you’ve been seeing fruit flies.
  6. The flies will be attracted to the bait and enter the bottle through the funnel. They won’t be able to find their way out and will eventually drown.
  7. Empty and reset the trap as needed.

Method 3: Yeast and Sugar Trap:


  • Small jar or container
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Yeast
  • Funnel (optional)


  1. Mix some warm water with sugar in the jar to create a sugary solution.
  2. Add a small amount of yeast and stir well. The yeast will ferment the sugar, creating carbon dioxide which attracts fruit flies.
  3. You can place a funnel in the jar to make it easier for the flies to enter but harder to escape (optional).
  4. Cover the jar loosely with a piece of paper or cloth, allowing small gaps for flies to enter.
  5. The flies will be attracted to the carbon dioxide and get trapped in the jar.

Method 4: Wine Trap:


  • Small bowl or cup
  • Red or white wine
  • Plastic wrap
  • Toothpick or other sharp object


  1. Pour some wine into the bowl or cup.
  2. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap.
  3. Use the toothpick to poke small holes in the top of the plastic wrap.
  4. The flies will be attracted to the wine’s scent and enter the bowl through the holes. They won’t be able to escape and will eventually drown.

Method 5: Milk, Sugar, and Pepper Trap:


  • Small bowl
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Crushed black pepper


  1. Combine milk, sugar, and pepper in the bowl.
  2. Heat the mixture until simmering, then let it cool.
  3. Place the bowl near where you’ve been seeing fruit flies.
  4. The flies will be attracted to the fermented sugar in the milk but will get stuck in the thick pepper mixture.

Additional Tips:

  • You can add a drop of dish soap to any of these traps to help drown the flies more quickly.
  • Place the traps in areas where you see the most fruit flies, such as near your fruit bowl, garbage can, or sink.
  • Empty and reset the traps regularly to keep them effective.
  • Make sure to dispose of the trapped flies properly.
  • Remember, the best way to deal with fruit flies is to prevent them in the first place. Keep your kitchen clean and free of ripe fruit and other potential attractants.

Remember, these are just 5 methods for making homemade fruit fly traps DIY. There are many other variations, so feel free to experiment and find one that works best for you.